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- Art direction
- Co-animator
Streamers is a webseries on the culture of video-game streaming that uses Twitch codes, graphic universe, language and broadcasting tools. After 4 years of immersion in gaming live-streams, the ONF and Arte launched a documentary in fall 2017. Through the prism of video game and streaming platform, “Streamers” examines the desire to be part of something greater than oneself in today’s hyper-connected era.
What I did ?
As an art director and co-animator, I designed and animated a visual language to illustrate the voice over narration. The art direction is raw, with high levels meaning visuals to allow viewers to focus on narration. I worked around 3 primary colors associated with glitch and GIFs to illustrate the gaming culture.

Ep1. Build your community
In the first episode, you meet Will, the creator and narrator of Streamers, and learn what motivated him to immersing himself in the world of video game streaming for the past four years.

Ep2. Speak the lingo
In the second episode, Will takes you to the heart of Twitch chat. Without this crucial interaction between streamers and their community, the streaming phenomenon would simply not exist.

Ep3. Grind it out
In the third episode, Will explores the different ways streamers can monetize their online presence and how they view their success beyond money.

Ep4. Find your balance
In the last episode of the series, streamers share their experience with vulnerability, honesty, and and reflect on the future of their career, channel, and community, as well as the future of streaming.