Scroll & click anywhere
- Concept
- 3D & Art direction
- Interactive direction
The Possibles site is an interactive experience which brings the user to discover works of art merging citizen participation and the development of sustainable communities.
What I did ?
As the art director and designer, I worked with a creative developer over the expression “field of possibilities”. We developed an interactive exploration around a flow, which allows access to dedicated pages of artistic creations.

Trace your own path to discover art works
Click and hold to converge the lines to a single destination. On this route visitors cross paths with works of arts from artists they may wish to discover. Each work appears only once, mirroring an opportunity that needs to be seized.

The Possibles’ interactive experience includes a double navigation. The first, which is at the forefront of the site for users, is exploratory and almost dreamlike. It invites the user to follow the paths of desire and discover works in an aleatory way. The second is a more direct discovery route in the form of a menu listing all the Possibles.

The possible Repertory
The experience art works are listed in the repertory presented as a menu where the user can discover each of them. This linear navigation is layered on top of the experience. Meanwhile the exploratory navigation style keeps running in the background.